Vaisala Headquarters Rooftop Solar


Louisville, Colorado | 228 kW


Project Details
Developer: SolMotiv
EPC/Installer: Namaste Solar
Modules: Qcells
Inverters: CPS
Mounting/Racking: PanelClaw, IronRidge, S-5!

Vaisala is a global leader in weather, environmental, and industrial measurements. The Namaste Solar installations included two rooftop arrays — one ballasted on a flat roof and the other flush-mounted on a pitched roof — as well as a vertical façade array. The vertical façade necessitated a fresh perspective on how solar panels could be integrated into non-standard surfaces without compromising efficiency or durability for the array and the building. Designers had to consider numerous factors, with structural and wind speed considerations being the biggest challenges to overcome. This area of Colorado can experience wind speeds upward of 145 mph. The outcome involved a specialized mounting system that could securely attach, without penetrations, accounting for both structural integrity and wind load.

Why’d we pick it?

The combination of engineering ingenuity with aesthetic appeal is tough to beat. This array is a showpiece for solar as a modern energy resource and a career path for problem-solvers.

Michael Phelps House


Paradise Valley, Arizona | 36.9 kW


Project Details
Developer: Panasonic 
EPC/Installer: Sunbright Solar 
Modules: Panasonic
Inverters: Panasonic
Storage: Panasonic
Mounting/Racking: IronRidge

Olympic champion and Team Panasonic Brand Ambassador Michael Phelps partnered with Panasonic to install a state-of-the-art home solar system with two goals in mind: Invest in his commitment to building a more sustainable future and educate his family and others on the importance of sustainable practices in everyday life. The system is designed to power his 10,000+ sq ft Arizona home using 90 solar panels and 4 battery systems, reducing the overall home energy usage by up to 70% and providing back-up battery storage. Panasonic Elite Installer Sunbright Solar was challenged with installing a system that complimented the home’s architecture and surrounding landscape for an appealing and aesthetic fit, as well as keep up with the family’s power needs and lifestyle. The final installation highlighted Sunbright Solar’s ability to meet Michael’s project goals to implement a system that was fitting for the home design and could supply the dwelling with 53 MWh of solar power annually.

Why’d we pick it?

The solar industry needs champions, Olympics or otherwise! For as much solar and battery storage is getting installed, we need double the amount of publicity these projects generate. Having a high-profile customer go all-in and show what’s possible with solar and battery technology today is a step in that direction.

Houston Solar Project, Phase 2


Elko, Georgia | 68 MW


Project Details
Developer: Silicon Ranch
EPC/Installer: SREPC, IEA
Modules: First Solar
Inverters: SMA
Mounting/Racking: Nextracker

In April 2024, Silicon Ranch celebrated the unveiling of a 26,000-sq-ft lambing barn at its 68 MW Houston Solar Project in Houston County, Georgia, marking the completion of the second and final phase of the project. The barn was unveiled and operational just in time to welcome Silicon Ranch’s first generation of lambs — part of the first and largest solar-owned flock in the United States. The project spans 706 acres, with 560 acres developed for grazing. Silicon Ranch designed and constructed the facility not only to complete the Houston Solar Project — a first-of-its-kind, dual solar and lambing facility — but also to improve genetics and increase the resilience of both the Georgia flock and the national flock. Silicon Ranch’s sheep are the largest Katahdin flock enrolled in the National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP), which is seeking to breed healthier, more parasite-resistant sheep. After lambing and prior to releasing each ewe and her newborn lambs from the barn to pasture, Silicon Ranch agrivoltaic technicians collect and record values related to important production traits. By registering its flock with the NSIP, Silicon Ranch is helping to rebuild and strengthen the region’s historically crucial agricultural sector, as well as the once-robust sheep industry in the United States.

Why’d we pick it?

It’s all about the “lambscaping.” Silicon Ranch is shepherding the solar industry’s use of sheep grazing on project sites to a new level by owning and housing its own flock. 

Stuttgart Microgrid


Stuttgart, Ark. | 26 MW


Project Details
Developer: Scenic Hill Solar
EPC/Installer: CS Energy
Modules: Hanwha and First Solar 
Inverters: SMA
Storage: KORE
Mounting/Racking: Nextracker

Producers Rice Mill Inc. is one of the largest rice processing facilities and co-ops in the United States with over 2,300 farmer members. Developed by Scenic Hill Solar, the Stuttgart Microgrid Solar + Storage project is a 26 MW single-axis tracking solar system, 44 MWh of battery storage, and a microgrid controller — it is the largest C&I solar project in Arkansas history and one of the largest microgrids in the U.S. The microgrid is able to provide continual backup power supply during grid outages using only solar power and energy storage, which is unique for a facility of this size. CS Energy’s team accomplished this by developing a method to monitor grid voltage while being disconnected from the grid. This included the use of specialized equipment like Lindsey sensors and relays to monitor the grid even when disconnected. The microgrid also operates as a grid support plant during utility tariff requests to export power to the grid and removes the plant load from the grid during unstable grid periods such as storms or heat waves.

Why’d we pick it?

Aside from being the largest C&I solar project in Arkansas, CS Energy’s innovative use of grid monitoring equipment sets this microgrid project apart. 

Boerne Residential PV + Storage


Boerne, Texas | 80 kW


Project Details
Developer/EPC/Installer: Advanced Solar & Electric
Modules: Boviet
Inverters: Enphase
Storage: FranklinWH
Mounting/Racking: S-5!

Situated on a 4.18-acre property, this project addresses the issues of unreliable grid power and significant energy demands with an innovative solar and battery storage solution. The property, characterized by its substantial size and high energy consumption, previously depended on a 60 kW generator for backup power. However, this generator solution was not only expensive and inefficient but also posed environmental concerns due to high fuel consumption and noise. To achieve a more reliable and cleaner energy supply while reducing generator fuel costs, the customer installed four FranklinWH systems. Each system features one aGate energy controller and four aPower batteries, paired with an 18 kW solar array. The setup is expected to achieve a 90-95% reduction in generator usage — but maintaining the previous generator was also key for this project. The 800 A distribution panel allows the 60 kW generator to simultaneously charge all 16 batteries. This means that if the solar power alone isn’t enough to charge the battery, the generator can be used to recharge the batteries during the day, without disturbing nighttime tranquility.

Why’d we pick it?

I mean, look at that battery bank. This project highlights what the solar and storage industries already know that many still do not: The Texas oil boom is over, and the Texas battery boom is well underway.